sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

The missing piece (La pieza perdida)

El precio lo marca la demanda 
y la demanda de muerte 
marca precios muy altos en la bolsa de la vida
precios tan altos 
que parecen gigantes
comparados con los enanos humanos 
que los manejan

Los muertos vivientes
son los que dan mas miedo
sus grises manos 
ya no sienten el ritmo que crean
los corazones

The price it is mark by the demand
and demand of death
brand high prices in the stock market of life
so high prices
that they look like giant
compared to the human dwarfs
that manage them

The undead
They are the scariest ones 
their gray hands
no longer feel the rhythm that creates
the hearts

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014


es falsa ,te come,se apodera de ti
llega un momento que ya no sabes quien eres
la mentira se lo a comido todo
tu vida ,a la gente de tu alrededor
ya no sabes si tu chica se acuesta contigo o con la mentira
si eres tu el que bebe cerveza con un amigo
o es la mentira la que lo hace
Buscas en tu cabeza
intentas recomponer la historia 
pero la mentira no te deja
la mentira se lo a comido todo
La mentira es una FOBIA
miedo y solo miedo
demasiadas peliculas
demasiada vida de calle
miedo solo miedo
esa es tu mentira
el miedo puede se inocente
el miedo puede se logico
no tengas miedo de ti mismo
quierete un poquito
y deja de mentir.

The LIE: 
it is false, it eats you, overtake you 
comes a time when you do not know who you are 
the lie had eaten all 
your life, the people around you 
you do not know if your girl sleeps with you or with the lie 
if you're the one who drinks beer with a friend 
or is the lie the one that makes it 
Looking in your head 
you try to piece together the story 
but the lie will not let you 
the lie is eaten all 
The lie is a PHOBIA 
fear and just fear  
too many movies 
too much street life 
Fear only fear 
that's your  lie 
fear may be innocent 
fear can be logical
do not be afraid of yourself 
love your self a  a little bit
and stop lying.



viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

el día que el hombre pez conoció a la mujer sirena (the day the fish man met the mermaid woman)


          деня, в който човекът се срещна русалка риба жената на


The day was cloudy
the ocean was mussed
and the mermaid woman
was left stranded
in the dock
in which the fish man
was sitting
the sand was black on that beach
 the mermaid woman did not know how it got there
perhaps the storm had dragged her
she sat there
in the dock
next to him
the fish man looked at her
as the children watch things for the first time
he has never seen a mermaid woman 
he look  at her
he hugged her
then he realized
that if the mermaid woman will love him
he will always could be able to hear in her
the sound of the sea
and that was the day that the fish man
met the mermaid woman ...